February 11

3 Reasons it is important to file a temporary change of address if you are only moving for a short time


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3 Reasons it is important to file a temporary change of address if you are only moving for a short time

Planning to move to a new home or city in the next months? Before you start packing all the things you will be bringing, consider researching on how you will go about the process of changing your address.

You can have a permanent change of address if you want. But if you are only moving for a short time, a temporary change of address is the better choice. You may think that since you’re only moving for a short time that you won’t need to change it, but here are the reasons why filing is still important.

  1.    Change it so that you can switch your utility services to a new address – one of the most important reasons why you should file for the change address is for your utility services to be dealt with. You would want to transfer these services as it would be hard to live in a house without electricity, water or telephone and cable. You want to also make sure that you will not miss paying any bill. But that might happen if you don’t update your address. You’ll be so busy with details of your move that you might forget about your due date for bills for your credit card and the like.


  1.    So you will receive all important mail and correspondences  – if you don’t change your address, you might be missing some important papers or mail. If you applied for a scholarship for example and you are waiting for the response, but because you didn’t change your address you failed to get the mail and miss the chance for the scholarship. Or you might be called to do jury duty at your old state. It would be such a hassle to go back to your old city when you’ve just settled down at your new place. But there’s nothing you can do about it because you did not inform the state that you no longer live there. So to prevent such events from happening, begin the process of changing to a temporary address before you even move to your new place.


  1.    A permanent address change has its drawbacks – with updating your address, you can actually have the option of making it a permanent address change, but it would not be wise to do that if you don’t plan on staying at that address for a long time. There are drawbacks to making a permanent change of address. That’s because the change is noted at the National Change of Address database and it stays there for 4 years, which means that you cannot actually cancel the change of address with the USPS even if you want to as they will just cancel your request. So unless the house you’re moving into is one that you’ve bought and plan to live in for the next ten years, just make it a temporary change. You can check the process over at us-mailing-change-of-address.com to get you started with your move.



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