4 Stay at Home Mom Budget Tips
In today’s economy, more and more families are opting to have both parents work to help make ends meet. That’s because it can be hard to manage a family and a budget with only one income.
Stay at home moms know their way around a budget. That’s how they can purchase what their family needs without going over their budget. Today, we let you in on these budgeting tips so that you can use it yourself and see an improvement in your finances:
Buy in Bulk
At a glance, it would seem like buying items in bulk can cost you a lot, when in fact, doing this can help save you money, and provide a supply at your home so it will take at least a few weeks before you need to buy again.
Some of the items you can buy in bulk include hygiene products like soap and shampoo, diapers and wet wipes if you have babies, as well as coffee, sugar, and even laundry and dishwashing detergent.
You only pay a big amount once, and you can sow the benefits of your choice later on.
Program Your Electronics
You always hear people say to turn off the lights and any home appliance when not in use. What people don’t know is that electronic devices, like TVs and your computer, can still eat up electricity even when it’s turned off and not in use.
To maximize your electricity savings, make sure to unplug these devices when not in use, especially ones with those that are in Stand-By mode.
Cancel Services that You Don’t/Seldom Use
When you were younger or were single, you found yourself always sat in front of the TV watching the latest episode of your favorite show. This was one of the reasons you got cable for your home.
However, as time went on and you started a family, you find that your interests aren’t the same as before. The emergence of streaming services like Netflix has also made it possible to watch television shows at your leisure with the bonus of being able to pause it whenever you pleased.
If you find yourself in the same boat, you can choose to cancel your cable subscription or any other plan that you don’t use as often. It can help free up some money from your budget that you can use towards something better.
Better Service Providers
Speaking of services, reassess your family’s phone plan. Make sure that it meets everyone’s needs and if you feel like you’re paying too much for a service you’re not using, talk to the phone plan provider and find a plan that suits your needs better at a fair price.
Do Clothes Swap
Tired of last season’s sweater? Instead of buying a new one and keeping your current sweater, why not get together with your friends and do a clothes swap?
Here, you and your friends can meet up with all of their unwanted clothes. Swap your sweater for their fashionable dress to give yourself a new wardrobe at no extra cost.
You can also do this with your kids and their friends. Talk to the parents and have your kids conduct a toy swap where they can trade toys and games with their friends.
The swap meet is a great way to bring everyone together and get new stuff in the process, a win-win situation.
These are just some of the ways you can help your family’s single income. You’d be surprised to have an extra hundred dollars or so from cutting back on services you don’t need.
You can then save up that money and use it for an emergency or set it aside to help you make a down payment on your online car loan application. However, you choose to use the money, you can rest easy knowing that you’re helping the family as best as you could.