November 22

4 Tips for Sticking to a Diet During the Holidays


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4 Tips for Sticking to a Diet During the Holidays

Dieting during the holiday season has to be one of the most difficult tests of anyone’s resolve imaginable. Indeed, how can one be expected to forgo roast turkey, fried chicken, honey-baked ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, casseroles of all variety, cookies, cakes, pies, and the ever-tempting eggnog? Though it’s certainly a tall task, it is possible to maintain your physical (and mental) well-being over the holidays. Fortunately, these four tips can help you along the way:


Partner Up

Though it may feel like you’re all on your own dieting during festive feasts, the truth is you’ve actually got more company than you might realize. Odds are, at least one of your family members or close friends is also trying to stay fit amid the holiday celebrations as well. As such, it’s a great idea to collaborate with them to cook a few health-conscious snacks to share. Or, at the very least, the two of you can commiserate with one another. Misery does love company after all . . .


Find Time to Relax

The end of the year is often a hectic time for most individuals. Whether through work or familial obligations, the holiday season is typically fraught with tension for many. Unfortunately, the more stressed you feel, the less likely you’ll be able to focus and avoid poor diet choices. Meditating, taking short walks, and simply getting a decent amount of sleep are all great ways to alleviate your nerves and help you gather the strength you need to resist grandma’s cooking.


Opt for the “Lesser Evil”

Comfort food doesn’t necessarily have to be unhealthy. In fact, there are plenty of low-fat, vegan-friendly alternatives to common holiday dishes that you may want to explore. The more educated you are about caloric and nutritional values of food items, the better you’ll be able to make educated choices at the dinner table. Of course you don’t need to break out a micro pipette tip to analyze the contents of your uncle’s eggnog recipe, but a little research can go a long way all the same.


Take the Hit in Stride

Unless you can successfully manage to hide yourself away during the holidays, you’ll probably have to face up to the reality of breaking diet a couple of times. Never forget that it’s okay to slip up occasionally –– you’re only human after all! The good news is, you can always make up for a bit of over-indulgence in the days and weeks to follow. Just make sure to account for the holidays when you’re planning your fitness calendar –– it’ll help out immensely.





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