October 25

5 Tips to caring for artificial grass


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5 Tips to caring for artificial grass

One of the most taxing aspect of owning a home is that you have to take care of your lawn and garden. Mowing the lawn on a weekly basis can be quite a drag. If you have trees on your property, it can become a mundane task to have to rake the leaves into piles and bag them so that your yard looks clean and welcoming at all times. Caring for your yard takes a great deal of time and consistent attention in order to make it appear well cared for. One of the latest trends is to remove natural grass and replace it with this low maintenance artificial grass from Sydney. If you are considering the installation of artificial grass, here are some tips as to how to care for it.

Remove debris. If you live in an area that is subjected to thunderstorms or windstorms, you may find that your yard is littered with debris. Be sure to pick up leaves, sticks, and any other objects that have made their way onto your turf lawn. By doing so, you can avoid any issues with sticks or debris poking through your turf and causing a problem.

Rinse the turf often. The turf is bound to get dirty. Afterall it will be outside for the entirety of its life so it will need to be bathed frequently. If you have pets and children, you will likely find that you need to rinse your turf once a week. The best way to do this is to take your hose and spray water all over the turf. Dust and pollen will also get rinsed off which is helpful to those family members who experience allergies. It is important to note that if you live in an environment that gets rained on from time to time, you will not need to rinse your turf as often.

Brush the grass. Yes, you read that right. Give your artificial grass a good brushing against the grain in areas that are used the most. This will keep it from matting or being flattened.

Clean up accidental spills. This sounds bizarre but it is highly likely that you, your family members, or guests will at some point spill on your artificial grass. The best thing to do in this type of situation is to take care of it promptly. By doing so, can eliminate whatever the substance is from staining your grass. The best way to clean up a spill is to blot with a towel, and dry it by using a small amount of kitty litter to soak up the liquid. After you have cleaned up the liquid, use a mild soap to rinse off and clean the area. Dry the area and you should be all set.

Pick up animal waste. If you have furry family members, be sure to pick up after them as often as you can. Urine will drain through the artificial grass and can be cleaned by a quick spray of water from the hose. If your animal chooses to defecate on the artificial grass, allow it to dry and become hard before you try to remove it. This will make the removal process much easier and less messy.


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