April 1

$50 Staples Gift Card Giveaway


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Are your blog's business cards in serious need of a face lift? Staple's has you covered with their new Business Card Guide!

Staples GC Giveaway Image 2

Start off by reading more about the guide here.

And once you've got new ideas swirling through your head, let Staples help you get them down on paper and in your hands before the start of conference season with a $50 Staples Gift Card!

Staples Gift Card Giveaway 1

Giveaway info:

For your chance at the $50 Staples Gift Card, enter below using the Rafflecopter widget. Giveaway ends Friday, April 8th, at Midnight. Must be 18 years old. Open to US only.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. It has been over a year since updating or ordering business cards. (also commented on the other required site)

  2. I visited the guide and learned that 88% of business cards exchanged are thrown in the trash within a week! Ouch!

  3. It’s been over two years since ordering business cards. The place I ordered the cards from is no longer there. Staples would be a great place to reorder the cards.
    Thank you!

  4. I learned that you should know your target audience for your business cards because different colors and designs appeal to men and women. So if you have an idea about who you want to target you can design your card to appeal to that demographic.

  5. Comment on Staples Business Card Guide review and tell me when you last updated your business cards.

    i dont use them sorry

  6. It’s been over a year since i updated my business cards. I learned that they offer great information on sizing and format of your business cards.

  7. I learned that 88% of business cards in the U.S. ultimately end up in the trash. However, if you use some vision and creativity, you can make a business card that stays out of the trash as well as stands out from the rest – and Staples offers a way to do this at an affordable price.
    Tammy Woodall recently posted..$50 Staples Gift Card GiveawayMy Profile

  8. I went to their site and I learned that you can get free shipping on orders over $49.99 I am alllllll about the free shipping.

  9. I learned that with a little bit of vision and creativity, you can create a unique business card that not only stays out of the trash, but also stands out from the stack.

  10. I learned that my college student should print up business cards while looking for a job in his career field. What a great idea to hand these out when you meet anyone that may have connections.

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