March 6

A little Changes a lot with Lighting


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Sometimes I get tired of looking at the same styles around my house. The same layout, furniture, and patterns all the time becomes monotonous.  When I was a kid I would change the furniture around in my room so often my father made me a floor plan to scale so I could map out the room before I moved anything.

As I have matured, I like to redecorate my rooms when I am feeling like I need change.  I have come up with a few ways to change the look of a room with minimal effort on my part. Here are some of my favorite tips.

Beautify the exterior

A quick and easy way to change the look of the entry to your home is to add new outdoor lighting fixtures. The entrance to your home is like your first impression.  Decorative light fixtures makes a statement about your style.

To really create a focal point, I love the look of decorative lighting along the pathway to the front door.  It is attractive and improves the safety of your home while enhancing the landscaping around your home.

Little changes mean a lot

Changing the look of a room can be as simple as adding new curtains to the windows.  A beautiful window treatment can dress up a room quickly.  If money is tight, look for nice fabric and make your own curtains at a fraction of the cost.  If you have nice window shades, you can just drape a valance around a decorative curtain bar for a dramatic look.

To complete the look throughout your room, matching throw pillows can dress up even the blandest furniture.  My favorite accessories are my living room throw pillows.

Don’t forget the bathroom

An often overlooked room to dress up is the bathroom.  A great way to freshen up the bathroom is to add new bathroom lighting fixtures.  They can make a simple bathroom look elegant and chic with minimal effort. Add some beautiful new towel sets on a decorative towel bar will make you feel like you redecorated the whole room in just minutes.

If you like to decorate, it’s easy to make small changes to really improve a room.  Happy decorating!


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