January 13

Add Klout to your Home Business with a Toll Free Number


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I've been working at home now for a little over 5 years blogging and several years ago I worked at home selling satellite packages.  When I sold the satellite packages and dishes no one had any clue I was working from home. I had ads in the local newspaper (before I knew anything about computers) and people called to order from me. I also had an installer I worked with. It was a great business but I had to give it up when I moved back to Florida because I was sub-contracting for a company that was only in Ohio.

Having the toll free number helped my business so much. People assumed I was in an office or call center. It made my business look so much bigger while I was building it too.

Now that I'm a massive online consumer and LOVE to support small businesses I will not buy if they don't have an 800 number. To me, they might not be legit or they don't care enough about their customers to leave an easy way to get ahold of them.

If you have an online business you NEED a toll free number! It's an investment in your business, a tax write off and add authenticity to you and your business.

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog  for 800 numbers
and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.



wah, work at home

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