May 19

Adventures with Ragweed #Interview


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RAGWEEDCOVERTitle: Adventures with Ragweed

Author: Linda Lou Crosby

Genre: Humor / YA / Short Stories

Whimsy – Humorous Tales of Adventure, Friendship and Outdoor Ventures

For Young Adult Readers and those young at Heart

Adventures with Ragweed is a collection of humorous short stories filled with adventure and family themes.

Ragweed is a tribute to the whimsical part of each of us. Follow this young teen and her best friend, Marney as they travel to Mexico for a fishing trip, where the family is to shoot a pilot for a television show, instead, find themselves in an unexpected sea storm.

Laugh out loud as Ragweed takes on the tennis elite at the country club or attempts to rearrange their perfectly cut lawns.

Always one to learn new things, this young freckled face gal with the unruly blonde hair, builds a float, rides a horse and grows a garden – always getting into unintentional trouble and conning her friends to partake. Each task done with her own unique vies of the world.

Light Hearted and Funny

These stories are meant to entertain. It’s difficult to narrow it down to one specific genre as the book is a collection of short stories suitable for young adults as well as for an older crowd with a sense of humor. Family Relationships, Friendships, Essays and Humor are categories all presented within the pages of this book.

If you like the outdoors you might enjoy reading about Ragweed’s horse riding exploits or her compost-creating stunts. She spends a great deal of time playing sports and in the garden. Most of the stories are based on the author’s own experiences when she was a young adult but some of us know that inner youth tends to follow us into adulthood – so if you have similar backgrounds, these tales will make you grin.

Beautifully Illustrated

Author Bio

LL mugLinda Lou Crosby is a video producer, storyteller and former professional athlete. Like Ragweed, she has a unique approach to life. Ragweed is a part of herself she wanted to share with others. Linda Lou has a great sense of humor and likes to laugh and make others laugh too.

She currently lives with her husband in Montana and California where on clear days you can find her fishing, hunting or hiking.


Website: For trailer promo and excerpts of book



Interview –

Tell us about your latest book.

Adventures with Ragweed is a story about a creative young girl who thinks life is an

adventure and wants to be sure to include her best friend Marney, her parents and her

neighbors in her escapades.

 Where did the idea for the book come from?

I started writing about Ragweedsome years ago because it was fun to think about. My

husband Hart (who is convinced I am Ragweed) and my friend and editor Laura Robbins

convinced me to complete the book.

Who and what inspire you to write?

Authors like Mark Twain and James Thurber and whimsical artists like Mary Engelbreit

are inspiring to me, and so is life itself.

Each author has his or her own inspiring journey. How did you begin writing?

I loved reading books, living in the various world that authors created. I think it is

magical. I started writing.g short plays about the gold rush and the weather I was about

eleven. My sister's acted the plays out in front of our fireplace, and even our sixth grade

class presented one of them

 What has been the most pleasant surprise about writing? How about an

unexpected down side?

The pleasant surprise about writing is the fun I have e-learning fun stories. The down side

is the fine touch editing it takes to get the best result.

 Do you have any writing rituals?

I dream up my characters and have fun running through their stories many times in my

head before I write a word.

 Do you write your books in order?

I am not too orderly. I do many things at once and then go back and sort things out, sort

of like Ragweed.

 What is on your writing playlist for this book?

Blogs like these, radio interviews, book signings, and we are working on creating a

children's fun garden section for the website.

Any favorite writing snacks?

I am a chocoholic.

What advice would you give writers who aspire to be published?

Do it. Write that book. And find a wonderful friend and editor like Laura Dobbins

who is a genius and believes in you.

 Are you working on anything new right now?

More Ragweed stories and a theater evening for Glascow Montana m

 Who is your favorite character in your new book?

Ragweed of course and I think the former rodeo star and Ragweed's neighbor Tex is

game for anything. His character has definite possibilities.

 What is your favorite book of all time?

A difficult question. I do keep Mark Twain's Roughing It by my side. His life is a

wonderment to me. And I love all forms of Winnie the Pooh.

 Tell us in one sentence why we should read your book.

My book will make you laugh and appreciate your own life just a little bit more.


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