May 30

Affordable Dental Coverage


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Unexpected unemployment can be a frightening experience. Being suddenly cut off from an income—not to mention the camaraderie of co-workers and the security of a job—is frightening and causes untold stress to both the employee and his or her family.

One of the uncertainties that goes along with losing a job or with changing careers, even
when it is the choice of the employee, is the possible loss of health insurance. Most
people qualify for COBRA, a program which offers the former employee the opportunity
to pay for his or her own insurance out of pocket for a given period of time. However,
this can be an expensive proposition that is not the right choice for someone who is
struggling after losing an income.

Purchasing an individual policy is becoming a more popular option. And while many
people understand that medical insurance is now a necessity, often they forget the
importance of quality dental insurance plans while planning for a long term gap in
benefits coverage. However, dental care is an important part of medical upkeep,
particularly in younger children. Happily, it is now possible to find affordable plans that provide for maintenance and preventative care for the entire family.


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