March 5

Book Review and Contest


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Heart of Gold by Stephen Ellis Natelson MD

This is the tale of an android who works for the NSA told in nine episodes. I have attempted to enhance the reader's experience by presenting music, poetry, and interesting factual information in context.

Had I the technology, I would provide a button for the reader to push to hear the actual music, with the ability to turn it off or on at will. Instead, there are links to the web, where the music can be enjoyed for free.

Perhaps the whole project would work as a TV series or a film.


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Book Review – 

I wanted to read this book because the cover intrigued me and I love a good Sci-fi, especially with Androids. Data from Star Trek the Next Generation was one of my favorites. I have to say that this book is like nothing I've ever read before, it had poetry and music and I was amused. I wasn't sure when I first started reading but I had to know what happened next and that is the sign of a good book. I could see this as a t.v. series. 

If you love sci-fi with a twist, I recommend picking this up.

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