October 20

Book Review – The Simple Soul of Susan


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“Simple is as simple loves.”

Susan Combs had long ago found the love of her life. The only problem was the other party still didn’t know he had been found. 

Every day Susan saw Calder Hurtz, her next door neighbor and childhood best friend. They always enjoyed the short drive to school down the dusty streets of their small Texas town. She was happy in those perfect moments, for her life at home was most imperfect. The challenging homestead she inhabited was also the favorite subject of local gossip.

But one autumn day she overhears two boys having a conversation. This occasion of accidental audience sets Susan’s life on an unforeseen path. In the seasons to come, her future will be changed by two hospitalizations, two confessions of love, and one betrayal.

Compulsively readable, The Simple Soul of Susan is an engaging, soul-endearing romance and a mesmerizing debut.

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I read a lot and I was in awe that this was a debut book! Noel Branham can weave quite a tale. This ‘Simple Soul of Susan” was no simple romance. This book had layers and I'd call it more of a coming of age. It was quite good!

We see Susan under stress caring for her father to blossoming into a young woman. The character development was extremely well done and I enjoyed watching Susan grow.

I highly recommend this story for anyone who enjoys a good read, especially if you need a little more than just romance.

I received a copy for my honest review, no other compensation was received.

Born and raised in a small Texas town, Noel Branham started her career
in digital communications after graduating with a degree in English. An
award winning communicator, she now writes from her home in Florida about
things closest to the heart: home, family, and love. Her debut novel will
be published Fall 2017.


Social Links:
Instagram: Branham.noel
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/noelbranham/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/branhamnoel/


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