February 21

Brads Deals – Hand Picked Savings


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SavingĀ  money makes me giddy. Those of you that are regular followers know that I have a deal blog too. (a little abandoned lately….) . I LOVE to save money and I search the internet finding deals to post.

Brads deals has a TON of coupons all in one place. I found some great target coupons One was a $5 giftcard with the purchase of two Burt's Bees Scrubs and Butters. That's something I'm going to buy anyway! There is even a section to save up to 80% off of clearance items

They also have a deal of the day section and you can search for coupons. I also found some old navy coupons You can use online or print them up and take to the store and since I'm addicted to lotions bath and body works coupons really help. You can a free signature product when you spend $10 – It's a printable coupon to take into the store.

Brad's Deals isĀ  very organized and appealing to the eye. I've used some couponing sites before that were chaotic but this one feels very ZEN like. :p

Disclaimer – I did receive compensation for my HONEST review. I will be using Brads Deals to find deals šŸ™‚


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