February 28

Children’s Book ‘Jekyll Says…Good Deeds Cats Do That You Should Too!’ by D.C. Blackbird Review


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Jekyll Says…Good Deeds Cats Do That You Should Too!

“Jekyll Says …” (Good Deeds Cats Do That You Should, Too!) is a series of amusing and educational poems told from the perspective of a wise and warm-hearted cat named Jekyll. Each perky poem epitomizes something aboutJekyll’s vivacious personality and the lessons he teaches are designed to encourage people of all ages to be healthy and happy.

The poems in “Jekyll Says …” consist of rhyming couplets with equal syllables. They have a merry meter and rip-roaring rhythms which make them lively and lyrical and fun to read (or sometimes sing!) aloud.

More than anything, “Jekyll Says …” is perfect for Cat Lovers of all ages, as well as anyone who has ever known and/or loved a companion animal. This book is also appealing to those who desire a break from their busy lives and who want to read something that is joyous and uplifting.

Profits from the sale of this book benefit animal adoption, care, liberation, rescue, and welfare organizations.

You can visit his website at www.WelcometoKittyLand.com.

Jekyll is a fun little cat who teaches children to be respectful, healthy, and have fun. My girls loved this book and it showed them how to treat animals with respect (poor little Jekyll was dumped on the side of the road.)

You can buy the ebook and paperback


children, children's book, kids

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