July 24

Climb That Fence & Take That Leap #BookReview


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Climb That Fence & Take That Leap

by Philip Johnsey

Ever wonder if there is more to your pet's behavior than meets the eye? Can we learn something about ourselves by watching them?

Climb that Fence take that Leap is a compilation of personal, inspirational animal stories and the life lessons we can glean from them.

After enjoying these stories, you'll spend a little extra time with your friend and know what it takes to Climb that Fence and Take that Leap!

Buy: Amazon | B&N | Paperback


Author bio:

Raised on a farm and having been a volunteer at different animal rescues, it’s no surprise that his first two published articles were about animals. So it’s only fitting that Phil’s first book is about animals and the connections we share. From Phil’s first high school job to present, he’s spent his career working with clients, explaining complex ideas in an easy to understand manner. Phil enjoys using his talents to make a positive difference and all the things he learns along the way. In addition Phil enjoys exploring the world and sharing those adventures via writing, photography, and videography. We are all connected and sharing our stories just brings people closer. Phil’s credits include, multiple I.T. certifications, account management, Reiki master, photographer, author of two blogs, writes a travel column for work, co-hosts a local television show, and whatever else he can get into.

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Book Review -I am an animal person. I love most furry creatures more than many people I know, and I'm a little embarrassed to admit that while I can watch a movie about a serial killer, if that commercial about the abused pets comes on television, I run shrieking across the room to turn it off.

I have (gulp) five cats and one dog. And yes, I do think they teach me valuable life lessons. My children often accuse me of giving the pets more credit than I do them.

So I knew this was a book I would enjoy. However, I didn't expect to learn as much as I did.

The author balances the stories of animals with the larger lessons he's describing. It is not overwhelming, not corny or too cloying; rather the book is charming, insightful and by turns, heartbreaking. The tales are matched with what we can learn from our furry–or reptilian–friends, with a blend of humor and compassion. It is entertaining without being ponderous.

I highly recommend this book to any reader, and not only those who appreciate our animal friends.

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  1. Most inspirational advice came from my mom. She told me to never give up on my dreams. And I haven’t. Thanks for this giveaway!

  2. I’ve always gotten a lot of advice, just not sure it would be termed inspirational. Thank you for the giveaway!

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