June 18

Cooking With 5 Top Fat Burning Foods #Recipes


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5fatburningCooking With 5 Top Fat Burning Foods

The key to eating a healthy diet is fueling your body properly. There is a lot of research going on into new fat burning ingredients that can help you quickly burn calories and manage your weight.

There are many ingredients you can find with the right research and if you use them correctly, you can be sure to utilize all of their possible health benefits.

Fat Burning Ingredients

Green Tea
A great example of this would be green tea. It has gone from being an exotic beverage to being as popular as your household orange pekoe tea. The extract of green tea provides you with EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), caffeine and antioxidants that all do wonders for your body when combined properly.

The caffeine combined with the EGCG helps to boost your metabolism and process carbs. At the same time antioxidants help to flush toxins out of your body and create a more efficient immune system.

Raspberry Ketones
Another great fat burning ingredient is raspberry ketones. It was made very popular by Dr. Oz, the T.V medical guru.

Surprisingly these ketones are the primary compound in the aroma of red raspberries. The way it works is by regulating your abiponectic. What is that you ask? Well it is a protein used by your body to help regulate your metabolism. According to studies it is made effective by helping your body dissolve fat molecules quicker. Also, who wouldn’t like the wonderful benefit of their diet including the beautiful aroma of raspberries?

White Kidney Beans
Strange but practical, white kidney beans are another viable fat burning option. A typical downfall of eating carbohydrates is that they can send your blood sugar soaring.

When you have an excess of blood sugar or glucose, your body will convert it into fat. To slow down the process there are carbohydrate inhibitors that work by stopping the release of alpha-amylase (the enzyme that converts carbs into glucose). White kidney beans supply you with exactly that inhibitor. All natural and stimulant free, a placebo-controlled study of 60 people showed that those who were taking the inhibitor lost an average of 6.45 pounds in 30 days compared to the 1 pound over 30 days in the placebo takers.

Whole Grains
The body uses twice as many calories breaking down whole grain foods versus their processed white counterparts. These include, whole grain pasta, rice, breads and cereals.

All of these ingredients are all natural and healthy, however, it is the overall diet that matters. These stimulants and fat burning molecules all can only be successful with your careful attention.

A key component of this would be the management of sugars in your body, as mentioned above, if you are not careful, the ingestion of excess sugar can lead to the body producing more fatty tissue.

Hot Peppers
Capsaicin, is the compound in peppers that gives them their heat, and it also heats up the body increasing calories burned.

Following are a few creative ideas that you can apply to using these 5 great natural products.

Green Tea Iced Tea

The same way that you would make your average iced tea, you can substitute green tea instead of your regular Earl Grey. By combining some fruits into the process of creating the tea, you can infuse a variety of great and tasty flavors. Try it with a little bit of blueberry or go tropical with a mango and pineapple infusion!

       Green Tea Latte Recipe

       Green Tea Flavored Chocolate Balls

Raspberry Ketones

Raspberry ketones can be purchased in liquid form and added to juices and protein shakes.

        Raspberry Ice-cream

 White Kidney Beans

Add them to chili is the first choice. The beauty of it is minimal attention with maximum flavor. Use turkey instead of ground beef to make the chili even healthier. Also, chili is great for someone managing their diet for its ability to keep, as you could store food in the fridge or the freezer and take individual meals accordingly each time you need to. By infusing other healthy ingredients, such as, cayenne pepper, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and even carrots, you can add even more benefit to this already hearty meal.

        White Kidney Bean Salad

Whole Grains

There are many ways to use whole grains in cooking. Swap for white pasta in all your dishes, use brown rice instead of white in stir fry, side dishes and salads. Swap all your white breads, bagels, muffins and tortillas for the healthier whole grain options.

Mediterranean Bulgur Salad Recipe

California Barley Bowl

 Hot Peppers

Peppers are available in raw, cooked, dried, and powdered forms (cayenne). They can be added to eggs, stews, salads, meats, fish, poultry, sauces, stews and soups.

Pickled Hot Peppers Recipe

Stuffed Hot Peppers



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