April 12

Cover reveal and $.99 pre-order Speak of the Devil by Maya Daniels


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Speak of the Devil (The Broken Halos series Book 2)

She was his to protect, but they stole her away…

Eric spent centuries trying to protect his kind while trying to stay as far away from the Order as possible. When one of the founders gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse, he met Helena. He knew the moment he set eyes on her that she was his.

Archangel Michael, however, had different plans.

Now Helena has been stolen by the Order, and even Lucifer himself can’t protect them from Eric. They will give her back to him, Or…the Heavens will burn!

Pre-order on Amazon for only $.99

Pre-order book 1 – Comes out April 24

The Devil is in the Details (The Broken Halos series Book 1)

Nothing can brighten up a day like hunting demons…OR…like opening up the portal to Hell!

Helena lived her life with a rigid sense of ethics until one mission went wrong and caused her to question everything. Now she must place her trust in a handsome demon, but at what cost? Will she have to sacrifice redemption for love, or is this just another demonic trick?

Because she is Heaven’s favorite…unless, she switches sides!

Pre-order on Amazon only $.99


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