October 29

Crimson and Clover – Perfect for Thanksgiving


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Remember when I told you I use to be a General Manager of a restaurant?

Well I know good wine. I put together a wine list with 300 wines from all over the world and I can promise you Concannon Coservancy – Crimon and Clover would be on it.

Of course being in a nice restaurant I would have charged you $60 but you can buy it for only $15. $15, seriously this wine is so delicious you would think it was worth a lot more!

It's made mostly of Petite Syrah (hubby's favorite varietal) and blended with Cabernet and Zinfandel. It was so tasty and smooth. This is what we are serving for Thanksgiving and I promise, if you bring/ serve for Thanksgiving you will be a hit!

I usually buy wine for Christmas presents for my friends or bring as host(ess) gifts for parties and this is a good wine for a good price. I am singing it's praises for a good reason!

I received this product for my honest opinion, no other compensation was received


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