March 6

Dark Chocolate Mint Cupcakes


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Today I am super excited to share with you a recipe I developed for Nestlé® Toll House®.  It is part of their “Dark Chocolate Made to Bake” initiative.  A few of us bloggers were challenged to create a recipe that showcased Nestlé®  Toll House® Dark Chocolate Morsels.  There is also a friendly competition that goes along with this.  All of the recipes are on Pinterest for you to vote on.  The one with the most “likes” wins!

So this Dark Chocolate Mint Cupcake.  Let me just tell you it is rich, decadent, creamy, fudgy, and refreshing all at once.  The cupcake part is a rich chocolate cake that is light, airy, studded with Nestlé®  Toll House® Dark Chocolate Morsels.  The filling is a cool minty cream.  And then it is topped with a dark chocolate butter cream frosting. The mint filling cools your mouth.  The frosting is just so decadent you kind of want to hide in the corner with the bowl and a spoon, and hope no one finds you.

I originally made these cupcakes to take the teachers at school, but then our whole family came down with a nasty bug.  So I was stuck with them at home, it was miserable
I would love it if you would head over to Pinterest and “like” or “repin” my picture.  Super easy, if you have a Pinterest account there is no registration or anything, just hit the like button.  You can repin to as many boards as you like!

The first 10 people to email me at to tell me they liked my picture will get a coupon in the mail for free Nestlé®  Toll House® Morsels of your own!
Dark Chocolate Mint Cupcakes


chocolate, dessert, Erin

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  1. These cupcakes look wonderful. Anything with dark chocolate is a hit for me. I would enjoy bringing these to a party or just having them myself. I will go on Pinterest and “like” it for sure and repin.

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