March 4

DIY St. Patrick’s Day Sock Cupcake

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DIY St. Patrick’s Day Sock Cupcake

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by spreading some cheer and fortune with a creative and budget-friendly craft. Delight your loved ones with charming DIY St. Patrick’s Day Sock Cupcakes, crafted from simple dollar store finds. These adorable gifts are surprisingly easy to create, offering a unique and thoughtful gesture for friends and family.

Dive into our step-by-step guide below and discover how quickly you can conjure a batch of these delightful treats just in time for the festivities!

DIY St. Patrick’s Day Sock Cupcake

Supplies needed:

Pair of St. Patrick’s Themed Socks

Craft pom poms

Cupcake cups


1. Begin by folding your sock in half. You want to fold the sock long ways, like a hot dog bun.|

2. You can now start rolling the sock up like a jelly roll. As you roll, pull it tightly so the sock stays

together as much as possible.

3. Once the sock is wrapped into a roll, nestle it into the cupcake cup. If you are having trouble keeping it tightly wrapped, use a piece of tape at the end to secure it.

4. Place the craft pom pom on top of the sock. It will act as the cherry on your cupcake. There you have it! Your St. Patrick’s Day sock cupcake is now complete. Your friend will love getting this “sweet treat” that is practical and purposeful too! So get crafty this St. Patrick’s Day season and give this easy and inexpensive craft a try!

There you have it! Isn't it fantastic when a project needs just three items? We sourced everything from our neighborhood dollar store, keeping our total expense for this craft at just $4. With this modest budget, we crafted a pair of these delightful cupcakes, perfect for gifting to friends, teachers, and more.


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