May 11

Do you know who is talking about you?


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I'm a blogger, we own a landscape business, I also own Promotional book tours and I have an online presence. It's important to know when and if someone is talking smack. Some people are jealous, some are competition… some people are just crazy.

Every day people are posting more and more content, more of an opportunity to spew hate. Or sign praises. Either way it's nice to know. You can get reputation management, it's free and you can see who is talking about you online. They even send alerts when someone posts about you!

Exposed data about you makes it easier for thieves and can put your family at risk. It can also affect your business and scare off potential customers!

Even if you don't have a business, did you know there are some sites that actually SELL your data? The online reputation service stops that and they keep removing your data from those sites! It is an extra service but totally worth it! has even been featured on Fox news, 60 minutes, ABC news, and The New Yorker!


Do you ever search to see if someone is talking about you? Have you ever found anything? Would you at least use the free version of this service?


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