October 9

Doomed Soul by Robert Boomsliter Book Spotlight


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Doomed Soul
A man without faith shares his views as the end of life approaches.The views are reflections on religion, morality and death.The deeply religious will find little of interest here and may find some of the material incomprehensible. Some moderates who have noticed twinges of doubt or discomfort in certain beliefs may find some explanations for those feelings.

The faithless will probably understand it all. It is the author's hope that for them, it will be a pleasant read.

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About the author:

Robert - Doomed SoulI am a retired electrical engineer, my career of 41 years spent mostly in Silicon Valley, California. I was one of those extremely fortunate individuals who enjoyed their work so much that it seemed unfair that I should be paid to perform it.

My profession required some technical writing but I never aspired to author anything that would be interesting to the general reader. Doomed Soul is my first attempt to do so and I hope that its introduction is a clear explanation why I chose to do it.

I currently live in Florida with my wife Babs and two bichon frise dogs named Boomer and Gabby.

Find Robert on Goodreads and connect on Literary Addicts


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