October 23

Drowning in Fear Middle age Book Review


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About the Book

23169001Title: Drowning in Fear

Author: Majanka Verstraete

Genre: Horror, Lower Grade, Chapter Book

For as long as he can remember, Nolan has been afraid of drowning. The fear is so bad he can’t even go swimming with his friends.

In an attempt to help him get over his fears, his Dad signs him up for a summer camp near Lake Weird. Ever since Nolan heard the news, he’s been having nightmares about an abandoned cabin near a lake, and about him drowning in water thick as blood.

Nolan is certain his nightmares are related to his fear of drowning, but when he arrives at summer camp, and finds out there’s a cabin near Lake Weird that matches the withered cabin from his nightmares, he realizes something more sinister is going on.

Can Nolan find out the reason why he’s spent his entire life being afraid of drowning? How is it connected to the spooky cabin from his nightmares, and the lake surrounded by creepy, crawling mist?

I received a copy of Drowning in Fear for my honest review, no other compensation was received.

I read this last night because it's a kid's book and it won't be creepy right? WRONG! I'm a wuss for sure. It was creeptastic but not gory so I don't mind my girls reading it. I was surprised at how well developed the characters were and they held MY attention. I actually cared about what happened.

Lake Weird is just that weird! Nolan has horrible dreams so he doesn't want to go to camp but his Dad makes him go. Nolan actually makes friends for once and they don't make fun of him because he is scared of drowning. This short book has some serious twists that I didn't see coming and I want to read all of the series now! oh and let the girls read them too 😉

Drowning in Fear reminds me of the books I grew up with by RL Stine and Christopher Pike. If you loved those these will be perfect.

Author Bio

Majanka Verstraete PictureMajanka has a Master of Law degree, and is studying for a Master of Criminology degree at the moment.

She has written a picture book series, “Valentina’s Spooky Adventures”, of which three books have been released. She’s also working on the “Weirdville” series, a series of scary lower grade chapter books. The first three books in the series have been released, and books four to six will release in 2014.

The first three Weridville books have also been released in audiobook version.

She’s written two young adult novels. “Fractured”, the first book in the Mirrorland series was released last year and its sequel, “Reflected” will be released in 2015. The first book in YA Paranormal series, the Angel of Death Series, “The Soul Thief”, will release in November 2014.

Website: http://majankaverstraete.com

Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/4813098.Majanka_Verstraete

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Majanka-Verstraete/398570476832115

Twitter: @iheartreads


Evolved Publishing: http://www.evolvedpub.com/product/drowning-in-fear/

Amazon (US): Buy on Amazon (US)

Amazon (UK): Buy on Amazon (UK)

B&N: B&N

Smashwords: Smashwords

iTunes: iTunes

Kobo: Kobo

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