September 18

Easy Homemade Fall Décor Craft


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EasyHomemadeFallDecorbannerEasy Homemade Fall Décor Craft

It is still in the 80's here in Florida so I'm ‘faking fall'.  We've been fall decorating and fall baking. I want to be cozy darnit! Even if I have to crank up the a/c to do it!

I have my fall scented candles, wreaths,  throw pillows, and the orange blankets draped over the couches. They are great when you want to get cozy and watch a movie. I also make a fun EASY fall craft.

Who doesn’t love a little gold to look at? This golden wall décor craft is so simple to make, and the great news is you can whip it up with just a few craft store supplies. The end result is a custom made golden wall décor piece that is perfect for the fall season. Take a look at how you can get started!

Supplies needed:034

Gold dessert plates (paper, $2.99 at Hobby Lobby)

Assorted leaves, faux or fresh

Gold spray paint

Craft glue

Tape for hanging

You can find these supplies at your local craft store such as Hobby Lobby or Michael’s.



1. Begin by laying the leaves on a piece of newspaper. Make sure they are laying flat.

2. Apply the gold spray paint to the leaves. Cover them well, allowing the paint to dry in between coats.

3. Once the leaves are dry, add a few dabs of craft glue to the back of them. Press the leaves to the center of the gold plates.


Your golden wall décor is now ready to be hung. Add some tape on the back of the plates and arrange them in a cluster as we did. Or, you can attach them to ribbon and hang them as a banner. Either way, they look great when displayed in quantity! The plates really catch the light, and the whole arrangement just shines.

Gather your supplies and give this easy golden wall décor project a try! It is the perfect fall craft that won’t leave you broke.


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