May 31

Eat Seasonally, Eat Fresh #FreshFromFlorida #IC


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This post was sponsored by Fresh From Florida as part of Influencer Activation for Influence Central.


When you think of Florida you probably think of Disney and beaches but did you know Florida has some of the very best produce and seafood around?

I'm a born and raised Florida girl so I've been a bit spoiled by our year round great weather and produce. I grow a lot of wonderful fruit in my yard and we like to go fishing but we love to pick up fresh produce and seafood. It is easier to find than you might think, they are easily found at your local farmer's market, grocery store, or U-Pick Farms (Find one by you, they are all over!!).

Some of our favorites are

  • Blueberries
  • Tomato
  • Sweet Corn
  • Watermelon
  • Seafood

Farmers' market

My husband spend years as a commercial fisherman.  So when we got married he stressed the importance of fresh wild caught seafood. Farm raised fish and shrimp are banned from this house because they are shipped from other countries and aren't kept in the best conditions. Some farm raised fish even have added colors and preservatives. It is also important to us to support our local economy. I know first hand that it helps families like my own.


We still catch our own fish and what we don't catch we make sure it is local. Our local grocery store sells shrimp from Mayport and we also get it from our local farmer's market where it is brought it around 4am in St. Augustine and you can buy it THAT morning.

When cooking your seafood check out these Seafood ‘How To” tips. We make sure as much of our food is Fresh From Florida as possible.



Check out these Fresh From Florida Recipes. Remember to print up your What's in season May shopping list and check out these Savory seafood recipes that even your kids will love. Don't feel like cooking? Check out these restaurants that are part of the Fresh From Florida menu program and these wineries all over Florida!

Coming to Florida on vacation? Take the kids to the U-Pick farms, go fishing, visit restaurants, and our wineries!

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  1. I love traveling to the Florida Coast for all the delicious fresh local foods- After reading your post I am certainly craving some watermelon now! I think it’s time to plan another trip!

  2. We actually have two upcoming trips to FL planned (Disney and Key West), so we will be on the lookout for some fresh fish & produce while we are down there for sure.

  3. I buy a lot of local at our respective Farmer’s Markets, but I am not as determined as you. We do not fish, I can eat fish and meats but not if I meet them personally . I believe the principles of Microbiotics are eating seasonal and that which is geographically available.
    I do worry with so much transportation, what have we done to food to make it last from point A to point B.
    GREAT post

  4. Oh my goodness, all of this sounds delicious. We love to visit all of our family in FL, so we will have to check it all out.

  5. I was born and raised in Florida – moved away a couple years ago. We are headed back in a few weeks though – can not wait to get back to the places where we could pick some of our favorite fruits. I will be doing some canning with my mom while we are there to stock her pantry and can not wait to go picking with her! Such a great way to show kids where food really comes from.

  6. Very neat to know that so many fruits and veggies come from FL! I have never been to FL but I do know I enjoy a lot of their foods!

  7. I actually may be going to Florida this Winter. I’ll be checking this out if I happen to go. I love great produce, and this looks like the perfect place to get that.

  8. I go to Florida several times a year to visit my parents. I will have to check this out on my next trip.

  9. I love to go to Florida end enjoy all the fresh food. I will have to share this with my friends that live there.

  10. I have always enjoyed the food in Florida whenever I went to visit. I did not realize that Florida was a place to get sweet corn! I thought that was a New Jersey treat. You really can learn something new every day if you try!

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