Flower pots are the perfect material for making crafts and with as much gardening as we do I usually have some around. They come in a variety of sizes and don't cost very much and you can make some super cute things like this Flower Pot Saucer Fox Craft.
My ten year old is obsessed with fox..or is it foxes? Either way, she loves them. She even has fox shaped lip balm and stuffed animals. So I knew that she was going to love them.
What you need-
Medium sized flower pot saucer, terracotta
White, black, orange, tan felt
Craft glue
1. Begin by creating the face of the fox. You will cut out two large white circles, followed by two small black circles. Glue the pieces together to create the eyes.
2. Finish the face of the fox by cutting out an oval for the snout. Use your tan fabric for this step, and then create a small orange circle to add to the end as the nose.
3. Create two ears using tan ovals, and fill in with orange details.
4. Finally, use the orange felt to cut out a tail. We just snipped out a simple wavy oval.
5. Glue all of your felt pieces in place as shown. Just a dab of glue on each felt piece will do the trick. Hold in place until secure.
Your fox is now ready to be displayed.
This craft is just adorable and fun to make with my daughter and son! Thanks for the idea. They will love making it.
Looks so cute and easy to make
This is so darn cute, and who would have ever thought of making a fox from a saucer!!!
What a cute craft! I wish my son was interested in artsy stuff!
What a super cute craft this would be to make!
These are really cute!!
That is such a cute idea! My grandsons would like to make this.
This is adorable! What a fun, cute craft for kids. Not a lot of needed materials or instructions either. Thanks.
This would be a cute craft idea to do in school!
This is just adorable! Very useful as a paperweight or to have as a cute table decoration at Brunch.
What a cute, easy to make way of getting toddlers to eat their meals and enjoy the art
This is a great craft project to do with the grand kids.
This is a cool craft and very cute! Perfect for kids to do on a rainy Fall day.
This came out so cute! I love this craft idea!
I love how cute and easy this project is! My niece would love to do this. Thanks for a great Thanksgiving idea!
Super cute and so easy to make. Adding this to my “crafts” file to make with the grandkids