September 15

Fresh Pumpkin As a Highly Rejuvenating Anti-Aging Facial


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Fresh Pumpkin As a Highly Rejuvenating Anti-Aging FacialFresh Pumpkin As a Highly Rejuvenating Anti-Aging Facial

Very few people know that fresh pumpkins can be used for a good anti-aging facial. Fresh pumpkins contain enzymes that are rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. These enzymes can be very helpful in freshening up tired skin and cleaning out the pores. If you have cracked or dry skin, this type of facial treatment can work as an effective moisturizer.

If you have oily skin, you may have toxins deeply stuck within the pores. Applying a mask of fresh pumpkins can effectively remove those toxins. Here are the steps that you have to follow. There are certain things that you will need in order to make the facial. These things include pastry brush, facial steamer, facial cloth wooden spoon, bowl, food processor or blender, grapeseed extract, lemon juice, carrot juice, honey, yogurt, and cooked or canned pumpkin.

Create The Base For The Facial
The first step is to prepare a base for the anti-aging facial mask. Take one or one-and-a-half cup of fresh pumpkin and puree the same in a blender or a food processor. Keep pureeing it until it becomes smooth. The enzymes are also activated this way.

Prepare The Facial Mask
Take a large bowl and pour the pumpkin into it. Now, mix in one teaspoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of carrot juice, one teaspoon of honey, and one cup of plain yogurt. Mix them thoroughly using a wooden spoon. In order to make a soft paste of this mixture, you can now add some oil and one teaspoon of grape=seed extract.

Facial Cloth
In order to make the anti-aging facial mask, the next thing that you have to do is to prepare the cloth to be used in the facial treatment. You will need a special cloth to open up the pores on your skin by softening it. An easy way to do this is to get a moist facial towel heated up in a microwave oven.

Get Your Skin Ready For The Treatment
Now, this is the time for the preparation of your skin for the special facial treatment. The best way to do this is to use a facial steamer to steam your skin. The skin will start becoming softer within eight to ten minutes. Use a steamed towel to wipe out the excess moisture thus caused.

Applying The Mask
You can now apply the pumpkin mixture using a pastry brush (a wide angled one). Apply the mask thoroughly all over your face and neck area. However, you have to be a little careful while doing this. Make sure that you are not covering the under-eye area with the mask – try to avoid it as much as possible.

Leave the mask to dry. It will completely dry out and start cracking within fifteen to twenty minutes. Remove the mask after twenty minutes and Rinse your face with warm water. Enjoy a much younger skin. Thus, fresh pumpkins can be a highly rejuvenating anti-aging facial if you know how to use the same the right way.

Choosing the best anti-aging facial can help solve skin issues and health problems. A fresh pumpkin finds use as one of the more effective forms of anti aging treatments.

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