June 20

Frozen Dog Bone Treats


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It has been so hot out lately. I keep telling everyone that it feel like the dog days of summer, not the very beginning. While you are enjoying your summer don't forget about your pups. It is really hot out there and frozen dog bone treats are always great idea and the dogs will appreciate it.

The best part is I know EXACTLY what is in them and they are so incredibly easy to make. I mean even *I* would eat these. (Okay, yes I DID try them and they are good!). These are also so much cheaper than what you buy in the stores.

black puppy looking at brown labrador. Close-up. Bokeh

Frozen Dog Bone Treats

1 Cup plain yogurt
1 Tablespoon peanut butter
1 Banana


You will also need-
Silicone dog bone mold

1. Add your yogurt, banana, and peanut butter to your blender and blend for a few minutes or until you have a smooth texture

2. Pour your mixture into your silicone dog bone mold and tap the mold onto the counter for the air bubbles to go away

3. Freeze for about 3 hours or until hardened

4. Carefully press up on the bottom of your bone molds to pop them out.



Also check out my homemade dog treat recipe. Remember what happened with the dog treats from China a few years ago? Make your own and never have to worry!

How to make homemade dog treats

Also check out Great ways to use essential oils for your dog.

Great ways to use essential oils for your dog


dog, frozen

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