November 20

Frozen Inspired Chocolate Wands Recipe


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I have girls. Maybe I should say I have Frozen obsessed girls. They were my inspiration for these. I was trying out some new ideas to take to a party and thought that all of the little girls would love these.  You will see how easy these are to make. My girls even helped.


Frozen Inspired Chocolate Wands ­

12 oz. Wilton white candy melts

blue or silver sprinkles

1 pack of pretzel sticks (sticks, not rods)

small sandwich baggie

kitchen scissors

1­2 foil or parchment lined baking sheets

Directions ­

#1. Pour the Wilton candy melts into a microwavable safe dish and heat in 30 second increments, stirring every 30 seconds until melted. Allow the chocolate to cool a few minutes.

#2. Using a large spoon, scoop the white chocolate into the sandwich baggie, squeeze the air out of the bag, seal it shut and then make a small snip in one corner using the kitchen scissors.

#3. Practice run (if you'd like) – Place one pretzel stick on the foil/parchment lined baking sheet.

About mid­way up the pretzel you will want to make a small star shape. I did the star shape that we were taught in elementary school (see photo). Thus, I had to practice few times to get it right. Your stars don't have to be perfect. The kids will LOVE them regardless.


#4. After practicing, place a few pretzels spaced out on the baking sheet and then make your stars – fill in the stars with more chocolate by simply going bag and forth gently squeezing the bag (see photo).


Next, sprinkle some of the candy sprinkles onto the chocolate before it sets.

#5. Repeat these steps until you are out of chocolate or have a desired number of stars wands.

*I'm willing to bet this would also work well with large pretzel rods.



candy recipe

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  1. These are so cute! My daughter would love to help me make these and have them as a treat! They look like so much fun to make. Thanks for sharing recipe.

  2. i am not even going to mention this to my nieces. they will be ecstatic, and if i hear let it go one more time… lol!

  3. Pingback: Santa Cupcakes -
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