November 18

Get Organized For the Holidays: 7 Tips To Simplify Your Holiday Decorations


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Get Organized For the Holidays: 7 Tips To Simplify Your Holiday Decorations

Have you ever visited a home during the holidays, which featured too many decorations? A home where every nook and corner was filled with Santas, angels, sleighs, reindeer, glitter, snowman, wreaths, tinsel and a partridge in a pear tree, giving the home a cluttered tacky look. Instead of feeling joyous, you felt claustrophobic and couldn't wait to leave. What, I've just described your home? Just kidding, but please don't be that person. Before dragging out your boxes of holiday decorations this year, just remember one important saying… LESS IS MORE.

7 Less Is More Tips To Simplify Your Holiday Decorations

Less is more Tip One:

Decorating for the seasons does not have to be accomplished in one day. Smaller doses of decorating will allow you and the family to enjoy the season more with less stress.

Instead, create two decorating fun events with your family. Choose one day for decorating indoors featuring holiday music and cookies and another day for decorating outdoors with hot cocoa and cider.

Less is more Tip Two:

Only decorate the rooms you family and guests will use the most. In these rooms, pare down and select only a few of your favorite decorations of the season to give your home a festive look.

Less is More Tip Three:

As you take out each decoration and tree ornament, ask yourself,

1. Does this really match my decor?

2. Does this decoration truly hold any special meaning to me anymore?

If the answer is no, place them in a donation box.

Less is more Tip Four:

Simplify your holidays by decorating with a theme. We love decorating our home with Disney items. Therefore, it only makes sense to fill our home with Disney Magic throughout the holidays as well.

Less is more Tip Five:

Use this time to immediately toss all broken or damaged items, including worn out wreaths, old stockings, broken lights, etc.

Less is more Tip Six:

Your unwanted decorations could bring “more” cheer to someone in need. Keep the spirit of the season alive by donating your unloved and gently used decorations to your local shelter, a neighbor in need, your local church or nursing homes.

Less is more Tip Seven:

If your holiday plans include visits by friends and family members with young children, use the time decorating to scan your home for breakable and valuable items and place them in a safe place until after the holidays. I learned this the hard way when one of our Disney globes was accidentally dropped and instead of enjoying the holiday I had to spend time cleaning up all the broken glass left scattered across the floor.

And now I would like to invite you to continue your journey towards an organized and stress-free holiday season on my Facebook page @ where I will share a daily tip to help you simplify and create the holiday of your dreams.

From Debbie Tremblay – The Organizing Genie, Professional Organizer and Clever Container Consultant.



Christmas, Christmas decorating, holiday decorating

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  1. Oh I love the idea of donating to a nursing home! That is really a great idea! I have some that we no longer use…I think I will take those over to our nursing home! Thanks for all the great tips!

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