December 12

Glistening Haven Book Tour and Contest


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Glistening Haven

Susan Monroe doesn't ask for much: good grades from her children, a house with room for a pool, to be the best Tupperware party host in New Haven 56.

But inside her tranquil 1950s styled community, a monster lurks. A monster that lives inside Susan, and every one of her superficially perfect neighbors, held in check by the oppressive police state that rules over them.

Susan happy life is torn apart when her teenage son goes missing the same night an explosion rips apart the community. Susan knows it’s only a matter of time before the police start breaking down their doors.

Before the reconditioning begins and Susan's identity is lost, she must do one final thing.

Find her son.

Glistening Haven on Amazon kindle version only $0.99!! Paperback $10.99!

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My Review is coming soon. I'm scheduled but my Gram passed and I'm not finished but it is REALLY good so far.

Tour Prize is $75 Amazon GC Fill out the form below to enter. Open Internationally.
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  1. I am new to this genre, I don’t have a favourite yet! Glistening Haven looks like a great way to introduce myself to the genre though 🙂
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. That’s a tough one. Liz Schulte did a book recently called Dark Corners, which was a bit supernatural that I liked a lot.

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