June 13

Gosh Parallel iPhone 6/6S Battery Case #gosh


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Sponsored by Gosh but all opinions are my own.IMAG0405_BURST002_COVER

Every time I turn turn around my cell phone battery is dead and sometimes that isn't a problem but other times I'm in the woods hiking, at the beach, or at Disney. Have you ever been at Disney and tried to find out when your fast passes are when your battery is dying? Or trying to meet up with friends? It REALLY sucks!! I needed this for that alone!

I discovered that with the Gosh Parallel iPhone 6/6S Battery Case you never have to worry about a dead battery and you get the extra power you need. No more being stranded, no more reaching to use your camera and you can't because the phone is DEAD. In addition to extra juice, the Parallel provides the security your Apple iPhone 6/6S needs with premium protection against the wear and tear of everyday living, all while being slim enough to fit easily in your pocket.

The Parallel iPhone 6/6S portable charger houses a removable 2900mAh battery that slides off and can be swapped out on the fly. Each portable and powerful battery can more than double the usage time of your iPhone 6/6S. The Parallel was designed with utility in mind, maintaining access to all ports, switches, and buttons. Best of all, the Parallel's battery is removable and plugs in only when you need it so you can decide when to charge your iPhone. Power level indicators allow you to check the power remaining at any time. Gosh Parallel Protective Charger Battery Case is designed for your Apple iPhone 6S (2015) / 6 (4.7 inches ONLY)

The life of the battery literally doubled. It was amazing since I am always doing social media, taking pictures, and hanging out at Disney. It was a little on the heavy side but honestly, totally worth it. I've already shared with all of my friends and I will be buying another one for my husband when leaves Android and gets an iPhone 6.

Get yours at Amazon


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