September 25

Grab Nutrition On The Run #DannonAtWM


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A little over a year ago I looked in the mirror and wondered what happened. I'd always been thin. I was always active but I found myself living a lethargic lifestyle and overweight. How did I get that way? It certainly didn't happen over night, my dad died and then my husband had cancer. I've found that I don't handle stress well and I shut down. I don't eat nor take care of myself.

I've proud to say that I am now 30lbs down and very active.  That is night and day compared to last year. I'm not going to lie, it has been hard work but I feel fantastic and it has totally been worth it.

I'd still like to lose another 10lbs so I'm staying on top of what I eat as well as continuing to workout 6 days a week.

Dannon® Light & Fit® Nonfat Yogurt Drinks is one of my favorite snacks. Especially before and after working out. It has 9 grams of protein, no added sugar, and zero fat. That is HUGE for me in my quest to eat right because no matter now hard you are working out, if you don't watch what goes in your mouth, you'll never reach your goals. Dairy protein contains all 9 essential amino acids your body needs but can’t make on its own – this makes it a “complete” protein and this is an easy way to get the protein I need!

I like to grab one of these strawberry banana Dannon® Light & Fit® Nonfat Yogurt Drinks between my cardio kickboxing and my bjj classes. It is the PERFECT snack for when I'm on the go and I feel like I'm ALWAYS on the go between driving kids around, my work, homeshooling, and working out.

One of my biggest failures when I first started to try and get healthy was grabbing something fast when I'm out like fast food or donuts (my nemesis!!) . Now I have no excuse because I can easily grab a Dannon® Light & Fit® Nonfat Yogurt Drink when I'm on the go.

Also check out Dannon® Oikos® Nonfat Yogurt. 10 grams of protein, Zero Added Sugar, 4g of fiber, and an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D.

There is an Ibotta Offer for Dannon® Light & Fit® & Dannon® Oikos®


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  1. I need to work on loosing some weight. I have some health issues I am dealing with. I will have to try these out.

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