Hell Town
Members of a paranormal reality show and the small town they investigate become victims of a deadly demon, awaken by a seemingly harmless board game. Will the TV ghost hunters be able to stop the demon and close the portal to Hell, or will they make a fatal mistake that seals the town’s fate?
About the Author
R. Nightshade lives in Hillsboro, Ohio, and is excited to be the fascinating new name in horror storytelling. Her philosophy is that while monsters and bloody ax murderers are fine, truly horrifying stories come from scenarios that could very well be real. Nightshade's works will include stories of the paranormal, and the ever-waging battle between good and evil on Earth. And, she promises to throw in some monsters because they are, after all, the classic staple of American horror.
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Nothing has scared me enough to keep me up at night. 🙂
haven’t read anything that scared me lately
I know this is a nice show but I’m too scared to watch it…
I haven’t found a good scary book lately but this one sounds great!
I haven’t read anything new lately that has scared me!
I would have to watch this during daylight hours! lol
mamabunny13 recently posted..GIVEAWAY: Ravished By A Highlander by Paula Quinn
Oops! I forgot to say that the horroe story thing that kept me up at night was the news…the 14 year old girl that killed her new born baby 🙁
mamabunny13 recently posted..GIVEAWAY: Ravished By A Highlander by Paula Quinn
i really try to avoid watching or reading anything scary because it does keep me awake. but, the last thing that kept me awake was watching an episode of american horror story with my husband
I haven’t read anything lately that really scared me. Thanks for the giveaway!
I haven’t read anything that scared me all night
The Forest of Hands and Teeth. It’s YA so I don’t know if it counts, but it has Zombies. My all time scariest night reading was the Amityville Horror book. Creeped me out for days!
Hmmmn I Dont think ive read anything scary lately ..
In the Tall Grass
Nothing scary read lately but I did see some show about zombies and that kept me up.
Ghost Story gave me the spooked me when I was reading at night
I read It again that always scares me I never liked clowns! lol
love scary books !!!!
watching the nightly news is enough to keep you up all night
Not a movie but starting a new job.
just about anything scary keeps me awake.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
I haven’t seen or read anything lately that scared me.
I have not read or seen any scary movies lately! Thank you for the great giveaway!
I have not read anything lately that has scared me.
The shining was the most recent one.