April 14

Homemade Bug Juice


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homemadebugjuiceHomemade Bug Juice

What exactly is bug juice you ask? It's a slang term for sweet  juice drink made from powdered mixes, such as Kool-Aid, which are often served at summer camps.  You can also buy the drink bug juice from the store but why buy it when you can make your own… and add cute little bugs!


bug juice ingredients

• Kool-Aid or Single Pack Drink Mix (in a variety of colors and flavors)

• Water

• Sugar (optional)

• Gummy Worms


1. Mix the Kool-Aid or Drink mix as directed on package. If you are mixing in a water bottle (like

I did) use less mix or a single pack drink mix.

2. Add sugar if needed.

3. Add gummy worms to your drink.

4. Garnish with gummy worms, serve and enjoy!

Note: Gummy worms will soak up the water. You can place the gummy worms in the drink right before serving to avoid that.

This is a much healthier way of serving up Bug Juice to kids because you can control the amount of sugar (if any) they receive. Plus since it’s made mostly of water, it could make a great drink for those hot summer days!


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  1. Ugh, every once in a while my youngest will ask for bug juice when we’re in a convenience store and I find the stuff revolting just to look at. lol I never knew it was something other than a store bought thing. I bet this would work great with those little bottles of water that are similar to the Bug Juice the corner store has which would make these perfect for birthday parties.
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  2. This is so cute! I will be making this for my niece and nephew when they come over and I babysit them. They would love this drink, it is a fun drink to make and drink!

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