I've been a fan of Scholatic books since I was little and now my girls read them too. As a homeschooling family we use their website as a resource in our teachings. They help me with lesson plans and an entire sections just for kids. I love the worksheets and there are over 1500+ I don't have to have books everywhere. I just print out what I need when we need it.
Right now my 4th grader is using the adding fractions worksheets. There are also math sheets for my 1st grader and up to 8th grade! There are both reading and math sheets and they are award winning making my job so much easier.
Thanks for the post. I need to find worksheets for my kids to do before school starts! I am printing off some of these, today!!!
AnnMarie recently posted..Shaklee Saturday
I’ve always loved scholastic, but I had no idea the amount of printables they carry.
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I am thinking of getting into homeschooling and this was the perfect review to read! I too have fond memories of Scholastic from childhood and will definitely be checking out there printable worksheets! Thanks for the post! =)
I’m starting to homeschool my son in 1st grade so thank you for sharing this information!
This is great. I hope to supplement my daughter’s schooling with teaching at home and these look like they will be super easy and fun. Just search print and learn! ( am entering your makeup giveaway)
I was homeschooled…my mom is always looking for stuff like this
I think I need to look into some work sheets for my almost 5 year old. She’ll be starting school next year & I would love for her to be ahead of the group.
I was homeschooled from K-12 so my mom was always printing off sheets like this for me!