November 3

How to Make Homemade Peanut Butter


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  How to make Homemade Peanut Butter

 Making your own peanut butter is incredibly easy and much more nutritious than than which you buy in the stores.

 If you look on the back of Jif or Peter Pan you will see all of the preservatives and sugars along with a few things I can't pronounce.

Here is what you need.

1 1/2 cups Salted Peanuts

2 tbsps of Peanut or Olive oil

Food Processor (What is pictured is a ninja)

Add peanuts, add your oil and process.

  Are you asking- Wait, that's it? No sugar? Nothing to preserve it?

  Nope, no sugar. Sometimes we add some raw honey in there but you don't need it. It really is so delicious and since it's so easy to make I pros it in small batches but should keep in the refrigerator for awhile.


It's finished and ready to use! Easy clean up too!


My girls love them on celery which they call their crunchies.

You've gotta love a healthy snack for kids which happens to be delicious!


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  1. Great for November because it’s National Peanut Butter Lovers month AND with the rising cost of peanut butter I was debating making my own from home, thank you!

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