November 26

How To Make Primitive Snowmen Ornaments Out Of Cotton Batting


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Love snowmen? Like to decorate your home with snowmen during the entire winter season? If so, I have a really easy snowman project to share with you today. This project is easy enough that even a beginner crafter can master making one…or several of them in just one afternoon.

You will need just a handful of basic sewing and craft supplies that can be purchased at your general craft supply store. I used a sewing machine to make mine but you can certainly hand stitch him together too!

Here are the supplies you will need to make one.

Warm ‘n Natural Cotton Batting (natural off-white color)

Black Embroidery Floss

Orange Fimo Clay (just a tiny pea sized amount)

2 Plastic 4 MM Round Beads

Scrap of Homespun Cotton Fabric (measuring 1/2″ by 7″ in length for scarf)

Sharp Fabric Scissors

Sewing Machine and Basic Sewing Supplies

Clear Drying Modge Podge (decoupage medium)

Clear Crystal Glitter (fine grade)

Foam Stenciling Brush


To Make Your Pattern: Hand draw a snowman shape onto paper that measures approximately 6″ tall by 4 1/2″ wide at his widest point. Cut out your shape and use as your pattern template.

Use your paper pattern and trace around it onto two pieces of cotton batting. Cut out the pieces. In a plastic cup or throw away bowl, pour 5 tablespoons of Modge Podge into the bowl along with 5 tablespoons of water. Stir until combined. Sprinkle in 1 to to 2 teaspoons of the glitter and stir again. Using your foam stenciling brush, brush the mixture across both pieces of your batting. Let air dry. (takes about 1 hour to completely dry).

Using six strands of black embroidery floss, stitch two X's onto his face to resemble his eyes, fasten off in the back so your ends and knots don't show on the front. Using a pea sized   piece of orange Fimo clay, roll it out in the shape of a carrot for his nose. Bake the nose in the oven according to the package directions on your clay pack. Using three strands of black embroidery floss, attach your two round plastic beads onto the snowman's belly to resemble is black coat buttons, fasten floss off in the back so knots don't show on the front.

Using your sewing machine, place wrong sides together and straight stitch 1/8″ in from the edges, leaving the bottom of the snowman open for turning. Once done, turn him right side out and finish the bottom edge stitching by hand. Cut a piece of homespun cotton fabric into a strip that measures 1/2″ by 7″ in length and tie it around his neck to resemble his scarf.

Variations: If you want to turn it into an ornament, thread a piece of white floss through the top to hang him on your tree or packages. If you want to turn him into a refrigerator magnet, glue 2-3 magnet disks onto his back side with hot glue or craft glue.

Shelly Hill is a mother and grandmother living in Pennsylvania who enjoys sewing, scrapbooking and crafting. Shelly owns the popular online craft blog called Passionate About Crafting at where you can find free craft project ideas, tips and patterns.




christmas crafts, toddler crafts. children's Christmas Craft

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