September 13

It’s Back To School Season With Lysol | Enter to #WIN $500 For Your Classroom


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We love Lysol wipes. They are easy to use and the kids like to be involved with cleaning. They wipe down the bathrooms and counters for me. We have our house stocked with Lysol Disinfecting Wipes.

It’s that time of year again where we send the kids off to school or in my case have them go to the home school co-op. Where ever your children go to school there are germs and Lysol disinfecting wipes cut down on the cooties aka colds and diarrheal disease. Several studies have revealed an increased risk of respiratory, ear, and gastrointestinal infections too from school. Lysol is committed to helping students stay healthy and avoid missed school days.

With programs available on , Lysol provides resources to teachers and moms in the form of Healthy Habits Lesson Plans and reference guides to common childhood illness. As an added incentive, from now until September 14, 2012, teachers can enter for a chance to win $500 towards school supplies for their classroom, with added chances to win for those who submit a school supply list that features Lysol wipes.

We have had our girls go through the healthy habits curriculum from Lysol to help them establish good hygiene habits.

Make sure to have your school teachers enter to win HERE.

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I wrote this post while participating in a blog tour conducted by Burst Media on behalf of Lysol. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program, but my opinions are my own.



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  1. Several studies have revealed an increased risk of respiratory, ear, and gastrointestinal infections too from school. Lysol is committed to helping students stay healthy and avoid missed school days.

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