May 21

Junction, Utah by Rebecca Lawton Book Tour


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Junction UtahJunction, Utah

River guide Madeline Kruse has always preferred the nomadic life over a settled home. In early 2003, she's on the run from the long-standing pain of a missing father and critically ill mother trying to save the world. Madeline's wandering takes her to northeastern Utah, a corner of the West time has passed over, with its stunningly beautiful wilderness, rivers to run, and room to breathe. In the tiny town of Junction, she meets alfalfa farmer Chris Sorensen, whose family has split apart since September 11 and the enlistment of his brother in the U.S. Marines. Through Chris and a drama taking place deep in the Utah backcountry, Madeline learns that the pristine canyons she loves are being threatened, and she must overcome many obstacles if she is to find peace and her place by the river.

Purchase Junction, Utah:
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About Rebecca LawtonRebecca Lawton

Rebecca Lawton was among the first women whitewater guides on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and on other rivers in the West. Her essay collection on the guiding life, Reading Water: Lessons from the River (Capital Books), was a San Francisco Chronicle bestseller and ForeWordNature Book of the Year finalist. Her essays, poems, and stories have been published in Orion, Sierra, The San Francisco Chronicle Magazine, Shenandoah, THEMA, More, and other magazines. She blogs about writing and environmental issues at Writer in Residence. Lawton's writing about the West has won the Ellen Meloy Fund Award for Desert Writers, three Pushcart Prize nominations (in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry), and other honors. She has received residencies at The Island Institute in Sitka, Alaska, and Hedgebrook Retreat for Women Writers in Langley, Washington. Her debut novel, Junction, Utah, set in the resource-rich Green River valley, is available as an original e-book from van Haitsma Literary. She works as a writer and scientist and serves on the Board of Directors of Friends of the River.

Follow Rebecca Lawton:
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Review – A tiny little town and I truly felt I was there. So many characters who were polar opposites but you really get to see why they are the way they are, each bringing their own little story to Junction, Utah. There are a lot of interesting sub-plots in this story and the author weaved in history of the area bringing in the present with ease. I loved this book. This is an amazing story teaching us to really care for those and what is around us.

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