November 15

Juppy Baby Walker Giveaway


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The Juppy Baby Walker Giveaway hosted by: Coupon Crazy Sisters, Our 5 Cents, Mom Are We There Yet, and This Girl's No Expert.

The Juppy Baby Walker is a lifesaver for your back! When baby starts trying to walk it can be a huge strain on you to hold their hands and bend over while trying to help them but the Juppy takes ALL that strain away! This truly is a revolutionary product! 

You can read our reviews here, here, and here to see what real moms have to say about this amazing baby walker!

4 of us have teamed up and created this incredible giveaway! You have 4 chances to win a personalized Juppy for your little one! Yes I said we are giving away 4 Juppies!!!


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  1. I don’t know if other people will find it funny, but I do. When my son (who is now 9 weeks) was about 5 weeks old, I had him on his changing table, changing his diaper. He had pooped and it was a huge huge mess. Right after I pulled the dirty out from under him and was putting the new one under him, he pooped right that moment, right into the palm of my hand. I just stood there for a minute trying to figure out how to go about cleaning it up.. haha.

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