June 3

Kiss Naturals All Natural DIY Craft Kits Review and Giveaway


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I received a product for review, no other sponsorship was received.
I'm always looking for a fun craft for my girls to try and when I saw these craft kits didn't have any added fillers, additives, dyes or synthetics to any of their products I was thrilled.
They use nature’s ingredients in their purest form.
My girls were so happy because they called it ‘chemistry' and assured me that is was part of their school work.
They had so much fun and worked on it TOGETHER!!
Little A wanted to pose with her lipgloss. She said she felt so accomplished and it was a color that I could deal with – nice and light!
I highly recommend these craft kits. These make perfect gifts and we will be buying some more for the girls this summer.

Check out Kiss Naturals Website / Instagram/ Facebook / Pinterest/ Twitter

Want to win a set? Go to their website and let us know which is your favorite? Open to US/ Can 13+ Fill out the rafflecopter to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. My daughters would love the Hair Chalk set! they are very into fake dying their hair lately and this would be perfect for them to have fun and to get to play together on something they both would like!

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