June 26

Latin 1 Review from The Compass Store and Visual Latin

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Review by Amber

I wanted to introduce my son to Latin over the summer to see what type of curriculum we could handle in the fall. Usually, I do not use videos for homeschool lessons, but when we had the opportunity to try Visual Latin my son was eager to get started.
We opted for the downloadable version, to satisfy our instant gratification, but these lessons are available on DVD as well.  Clear instructions tell you how to use the curriculum, and when worksheets are due.  You can download the introductory lessons here.
You are greeted by a cheerful instructor, Dwane Thomas, who can crack a joke, but not distract the student from the subject at hand. There are 4 parts to a lesson; Grammar, Sentences, Reading and Translation. Each part has a worksheet, and the video prompts the student when to do the worksheet. The videos are short and sweet and by lesson 4, my son was speaking to me in Latin. Like the website says, your child will be asking “Mom, can I do my Latin lesson now”?
Visual Latin is available in DVD and Video downloads. With the many different purchase options, I really can’t see the price being a negative factor.  You can buy the downloads all at one time, or the lessons in blocks of 10. There is Latin 1 and Latin 2 and there are 30 lessons in each. Worksheets and answers can be downloaded directly from the site.   This is a great curriculum for an entire year of Latin.  My son who is going into the 8th grade really is enjoying these lessons. I find that it would be appropriate for younger grades as well.  You can find out more about this program at http://www.visuallatin.com   If you like them on Facebook they have fun word of the day.
Check out all the other great products and curriculum at The Compass store.  They also have a blogger page and affiliate program as well.

The Compass Store and Visual Latin is offering one reader a chance to own Latin 1 lessons 1-10 on either DVD or download.

I received a product to review for my honest opinion, no other compensation was received.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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