April 2

Lemon Cake Pops


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These Lemon Cake Pops scream Spring!
They are also perfect for baby showers, wedding receptions, and book clubs and surprisingly easy to make.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to add cake pops to every holiday now, they were so fun!
Lemon Cake pop in process 1Ingredients
1 3/4 c. flour

1/2 t. baking powder

1/2 t. baking soda

1/2 t. salt

3 eggs at room temp.

1 c. sugar

2 T. butter softened

1 t. vanilla

2 t. lemon extract

1/2 c. fresh lemon juice

1/2 c. oil

zest of one lemon


Preheat oven to 350

Spray a 9 x 5 loaf pan

Lemon Cake pop Inprocess 2

In a large bowl combine flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt

In a medium bowl combine eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla and lemon extracts, and lemon juice with a mixer.
Scrape bottom to make sure all is combined

Pour Flour mixture into wet mixture and blend until smooth, scraping sides and bottom of bowl

Add oil and lemon zest to the mix and mix it well

Pour into prepared loaf pan(s) and bake for 45 min. (9 x 5)

Insert toothpick to test…it must come out clean

Remove from oven and let cool

Lemon Cake pop Inprocess 3


1/2 cup butter

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 cups confectioners' sugar

Combine the butter, lemon juice, vanilla, and confectioner's sugar and beat until light and fluffy. Add more confectioner's sugar, orlemon juice to adjust the consistency as needed.

Directions for Lemon Cake Pops :

Lemon Cake pop Inprocess 4

Once frosting is made, take a spoon full and add into the crumbled cake. Using a spoon to combine. Add more frosting until you can form a small round ball. To form a ball take a small ice cream scoop amount and roll in your hands to form a ball.

Lemon Cake pop Inprocess 6

Melt White Chocolate in a double broiler or you can use a microwave. Once White chocolate is melted dip a cake pop stick into the chocolate and then push it into the rounded cake. Once that chocolate has hardened, dip it cake ball into the chocolate until fully coated.I then use a green foam found in crafts stores or a cake op holder to place my cake pops in while it dries.

Have fun decorate your cake pops with royal icing in a icing bag and tip. Another idea is to roll the cake pop in sprinkles while wet.


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  1. What a wonderful recipe! It is such a refreshing dessert that I know that my family would love for me to make. I love anything that has lemon in it! Thanks for sharing.

  2. These look delish and I bet they taste awesome. I might try to make these this weekend for my teen’s friends.

  3. I love your lemon cake pops recipe although my sons and husband would never eat them. they don’t like things like that but I do.

  4. These are beautiful. I love looking at stuff like this. Maybe I’ll create a gluten-free, vegan version so my family can eat them. Hmmmm…

  5. These lemon cake pops will be a hit Saturday for my teen’s cast and crew part! Can’t wait to hear the comments.

  6. I’ve not yet made cake pops, and I never dare decorate my creations, only rarely, but this I think I can do. the result is amazing looks like something for a party!! I’d like to try it!

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