The theme of this week is –
Who are your favorite supporting characters
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There are so many fantastic books out there with great supporting characters. My favorites are the supporting characters who get their own stories in later books – like the Otherworld books by Kelley Armstrong but my absolute favorite (and he hasn't gotten his own book) is Jenks.
This if a fanmade picture that was on Goodreads here
A little about Jenks from
Jenks is a third of the Vampiric Charms runner service. Originally he takes the garden for his family as pay, however later he does a run for Trent Kalamack and Trent purchases the Church and resells it to Jenks for a dollar in exchange. Jenks looks about 18 years old despite his many children, he has blond hair and wears silk, typically black if he is on a run. He is extremely skilled in stealth detection, armed combat, and frying electronics. He is also ready and willing to pix anyone who bothers his family or friends.
I’ve never heard of this series, or this guy, but I love his irreverence. Sounds like a fun read!
Kitt Crescendo recently posted..Speeding Things Up With Lissa Matthews
I’ve never heard of this one, either, and of course, I need another series like I need another hole in my head. LOL
Amanda recently posted..Literary Addicts Weekly Meme: Favorite Supporting Characters