January 1

Make 2012 Clutter Free


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Every Winter and Spring I get in and do a deep cleaning and since it's the start of a New Year why not start fresh?

Over the next month I will be posting several articles and how -tos about storage, organizing your time, and getting the most out of your household.

My husband is building some awesome closet storage for the girls and will eventually be building us a Captain's bed with storage underneath. I will post instructions for all of it!

We have a very tiny house and since we are thinking of adding another to our broad we are going through everything any purging what we don't need and super organizing everything else.

We will also be moving the girls' rooms around and adding more storage!!

It's a New Year! There isn't a better time than now to get organized. If there is anything you can't fit into your home like children's clothes you are saving for a new little addition (hopefully I'll be using soon) or Christmas decorations (ours are ever growing!) you can use Uncle Bob's Self Storage to get rid of the extra clutter in your house.
This post was brought to you by Uncle Bob's Self Storage but all opinions are my own.  I will be adding a lot of great storage articles very soon!!


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