May 11

Make Your Own – Garlic Rosemary Parmesan Crackers


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Garlic Rosemary Parmesan Crackers
Over the past couple of weeks I've been on a quest, I'm trying to make as much from scratch as possible. I'd like to eventually get almost everything from scratch. I know it will be time consuming but worth it in the end.
We already grow a lot of my food and I'd like to get as many preservatives and chemicals out of my diet as possible. My girls love crackers so I wanted to see if I could make some myself. I've made homemade cinnamon chips before so I knew I could do this.
Garlic Rosemary Parmesan Crackers

1 cup flour (I used standard flour this time but will try gluten free flour or other flours next time.)

1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

5 tablespoons cold butter

1/4 cup half and half


1 teaspoon dried rosemary (crushed)

–to crush rosemary, place in a small glass dish and use the back of a spoon to grind the spice into smaller pieces (similar to a mortar and pestle)

2 teaspoons Parmesan cheese (I used Kraft, green container)

1/2 teaspoon salt

*make two batches and add to the dough if desired.

Preheat oven to 400.
Stir flour, baking soda, garlic powder and topping mix (if desired) together.  Using a pastry blender (or two knives) cut in cold butter until mixture is crumbly. (You'll get an added arm workout with the cold butter – multi tasking at it's best!)
Stir in half and half and a ball will form.
On a floured surface, knead dough about a dozen times to incorporate evenly. Roll dough thinly, about 1/4″ thick or thinner if you are able.
Cut with a knife, cutter (I used the wilton double sided pastry cutter — not sure that's the exact name!) or cookie cutter. Place onto a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper or a greased baking sheet.
Using a fork, poke holes into crackers. Mine were about 2″ in size and I poked the fork three times, adding 12 holes. Sprinkle topping onto crackers and gently press into the dough with your fingers.
Bake for 10 minutes and check crackers. Add another 2-5 minutes more depending on how thick you rolled your dough.
You want them golden but not too brown.
Let cool and enjoy!
What do you think? They came out pretty good! Tasty too. Erin made homemade goldfish a few years ago and they are next on my list to make.


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  1. These are beautiful homemade crackers and they look so delicious and fun to make. I bet they taste better than the crackers in the box. Thanks for sharing a really nice recipe.

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