January 16

Make Yourself Comfortable – Dearforms Shoes


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SP883_Black_Pair_400x350There are few things in life that can affect your mood more easily than the shoes you wear. Wearing an uncomfortable pair of shoes throughout the day may easily put you in a foul mood. In fact, when your shoes are painfully uncomfortable, you may be hard-pressed to think about anything other than your shoes until you kick them off of your feet. Many people who are interested in buying the most comfortable pair of shoes available are taking a closer look at the DF Sport Clog.

The DF Sport Clog by Dearfoams are slip-on shoes that are ideal both indoor and outdoor use, and they are designed to provide support and softness alike. They boast a fine mesh lining throughout the interior of the shoe, and the upper soles are made out of mesh and jersey material for ultimate comfort. The shoes also feature a high profile, rubberized sole that is resistant to sliding and skidding, so you can easily tread across even slick or wet surfaces without concern about falling down.

They also boast an elastic gusset and an enhanced arch for the most comfortable fit possible. Available in both black and white, you will want to purchase a pair in both colors so that you can wear them with all of your casual outfits at home and out of the house. After you have worn the DF Sport Clog by Dearfoams once, you will see why these shoes are a favorite pair of footwear for so many others already.


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  1. I know Dearforms made slippers, but I did not know they made shoes. I would love to get these and wear them around the house. They look so comfortable.

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