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I have decided that after 9 years of having this blog I'm going to change direction with it. It has always been an online magazine for moms where I've had guest posts, product reviews, and giveaways. Over the last year I've slowed down on the product reviews. I'm only taking things I really really want and while I will have fun contests for my fans. This isn't a giveaway blog by any means or even a “Mom blog”. It will be more of an entertainment blog.
Taking Time for Mommy is about taking time for yourself and having fun. It is going to become much more personal. As you can see there is a new design and the blog will be about what is dear to me. I love books, cooking, and watching movies. Â I hope you continue to still around.
So I'm going to introduce myself since you will be seeing much more of me. My name is Mandie and I'm a 37 yr old mom of two sweet girls. We life school at home (or the beach, museums, etc..) I'm a book addict and co-own and run a promotional book tour business. Promotionalbooktours.com and haysonpublishing.com (a publishing co-op).
I've published three urban fantasy short stories in anthologies. I have recently pulled two so I can publish them on their own and will be re-releasing before Christmas. The third is a prequel to my sooner or later novel that will be out….. soon I hope. Â
If you haven't figured it out from the blog header, I like wine. Coffee and Sci-fi too.
How exciting! I’m always looking for fun things to do and see, so you’ll certainly see me popping in now and again 🙂 Simone recently posted..The Blue Effect Book Blitz and Giveaway
Very exciting Mandie! Good luck with the change over 🙂 And how neat on the books! I had no idea.
anna recently posted..Interview w/ Kimberly Kincaid–cookies, man candy, mayo & awwwws
How exciting! I’m always looking for fun things to do and see, so you’ll certainly see me popping in now and again 🙂
Simone recently posted..The Blue Effect Book Blitz and Giveaway
Love the new direction, Mandie!! Very nice header!!
Teressa Morris recently posted..Beef Stroganoff Without Sour Cream Recipe
Thanks ladies!