December 5

Manna Organics Review and Sweeps


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I cannot tell you how excited I was to receive my box of Manna Organics sprouted breads and kale chips!   Manna Organics, LLC is a family owned and operated bakery.  Their website has the best description of this awesome bread:

Their sprouted breads are, “Cake-like, sprouted bread, yeast free bread, vegan organic bread, free of salt, no oils, no sweeteners, no leavening agents.

Organic Certified, Kosher Certified.”

I try to be mostly vegan, and strive to eat lots or raw, organic foods.  While this bread is not considered raw, it is the closest thing I have found.  I received the Banana Walnut Hemp  and the Multi-grain bread.  The bread itself has such substance, it was almost like a meal.  I found myself waking up in the morning and grabbing a large chunk of the Multi-grain bread and eating it like a muffin.  These are breads you do not have to feel guilty eating.  They are sprouted breads, providing awesome nutrients and the much needed fiber lacking in our American diet.  My 11 year old daughter and her friend loved the Banana bread too, so it is not just for Vegans, or “health nuts, ”  it has the flavor that kids love!  They don't just sell sprouted and gluten-free bread, they also have butters,  kale chips, and bread ingredients as well. You can check those out on their webpage.


I received the Pizza Margherita and Say Cheese.  These kale chips are actually baked, not raw, and simply divine.  If you have never tried kale chips, you really need to.  They are some of the most deliciously nutritiously dense snack foods you will ever eat.  You do not have to even like vegetables or greens to enjoy these chips.  My 11 year old will not touch a salad made with kale, but I literally had to stop her from eating the entire bag of these chips.  They also make an intriguing Café Mocha flavor that I will have to try.  a box Manna Organics breads or kale chips would make an excellent holiday gift this season.

Manna Organics is offering one lucky reader a sampler box of their own!  See how below.

I was provided a product for my honest opinion and was not compensated in any other way.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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