December 13

Marshmallow Snowmen


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Living in sunny Florida, my kids don't often see snowy weather. But that won't stop us from getting into the winter spirit with these easy Marshmallow Snowmen from [Blog Name]! Built on graham crackers with marshmallows and pretzels, assembling these sweet snow-capped treats is a friendly activity for little hands. The simple ingredients and construction make this an achievable recipe I can actually pull off with my crew. With just a little slicing, skewering, and decorating, we'll have an adorable frosted friend ready to eat in no time. Dishing out wintry fun and snacks in one, this no-bake snowman recipe is a cute way to spark smiles and enjoy the season from our corner of the south. Even this crafting mess of a mom can whip up these edible snowmen successfully!

Here is What You Need to make your Marshmallow Snowmen

6 big marshmallows
paper straws
icing coloring-black
small paint brush
mini colored marshmallows
Marshmallow fluff


First start by pushing your three marshmallows onto the paper straw. Now get your icing coloring and dip your thin paint brush in it. carefully DSC_0957paint your face on your snow man and his buttons. Let dry for a few seconds. Now get a mini orange marshmallow and cut in half on an angle or his nose. Then dip the one end of the nose into Marshmallow fluff and press onto your snowman for his nose.

Now let that sit a minute. Next you can cut off the left over straw sticking out from the bottom if you'd like.

Want the snow man to stand? Place a Marshmallow into a cupcake liner and put in microwave for about 10 seconds. Then press snowman into the big puff and let harden.

See! I told you these Marshmallow Snowmen were easy to make!

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  1. Those are so cute! I know what you mean about snow. I moved from Daytona to SC 6 years ago and the weather isn’t much different here. Happy Holidays!

  2. These are all so cute. My granddaughters really love marshmallows so I think we will try making the marshmallow snowmen first. I am always looking for fun things to help keep them busy especially during the cold months so I appreciate you sharing!

  3. OMG, these snowmen (or snowwomen) are so cute! I cannot wait until the holiday season is here so I can start making some really cute Christmas crafts.

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